Undertaker Praises Logan Paul’s Raw Authenticity

When it comes to legendary WWE careers, few can rival The Undertaker’s three-decade reign. Despite his formal retirement, the sound of his gong still reverberates in the hearts of wrestling fans and modern-day superstars. So, when The Undertaker speaks about the business, the wrestling world takes notice.

Recently, Undertaker discussed some of the top prospects on the current roster, including Logan Paul, the former social media influencer turned US Champion. However, Undertaker’s praise for Paul stemmed not from his athleticism or quick adaptation to the ring, but rather from his unconventional background.

In contrast to WWE’s usual pipeline of athletes plucked from other disciplines and trained in their NXT and Performance Center, Undertaker appreciates Paul’s outsider status. “Everyone has pretty much the same formula because that’s how they all come up,” Undertaker explained. “He’s an outsider that’s come into the business with this huge following and this huge background. So I kind of like the fact that he’s a little bit of an oddity.”

While it’s uncertain whether Undertaker has offered direct advice to Paul, he did commend him for his finishing move, the frog splash. “That frog splash that he did to go over in that match, dude, I told him, I knew you were going over with that one,” Undertaker said. “You don’t get up that high unless you’re going to go over with it.”

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