Unlocking the Secrets of Desirable Lips: A Comprehensive Guide to Lip Enhancement with Dr. Muro

## Unveiling the Allure of Luscious Lips: A Conversation with Dr. Muro, a Leading Plastic Surgeon

The lips, often considered the gateway to sensuality, have long been a focal point of beauty enhancement. In our previous exploration of ‘mucous membrane color,’ we delved into the art of lip makeup. Now, we take a deeper dive into the realm of lip sculpting, examining the artistry and science behind achieving desirable lips. To guide us on this journey, we’ve invited Dr. Takaaki Muro, a highly respected plastic surgeon and Director of Bespoke Clinic, to share his expertise.

Dr. Muro’s reputation is built on both exceptional surgical skill and a dedication to promoting responsible and ethical beauty practices. He holds key positions within the Japanese Society of Aesthetic Surgery (JSAS and JSAPS), advocating for informed decision-making in the ever-evolving landscape of aesthetic procedures.

The Art of Lip Enhancement: A Personalized Approach

We sat down with Dr. Muro to delve into the most sought-after lip enhancements and the nuances of each procedure.

Q: Dr. Muro, what are the most common lip enhancement requests you receive at your clinic?

Dr. Muro:

Interestingly, the requests vary with age. Younger individuals are often less focused solely on their lips. They frequently seek ways to minimize the lower half of their face, which can lead to lip enhancements as a solution. This aligns with the current trend of minimizing facial ‘white space.’

Q: So, the desired outcome is a more sculpted, defined look?

Dr. Muro:

Exactly. Hyaluronic acid injections are a popular choice for this, offering remarkable versatility. We can adjust the volume and shape of the lips with precision, whether it’s adding width or enhancing the vertical dimension. A key advantage of hyaluronic acid is its reversibility, allowing patients to reverse the effects if desired. It’s a far cry from bone-altering procedures, providing a greater sense of control and flexibility.

Q: As we age, what happens to our lips, and how can we address these changes?

Dr. Muro:

With time, our facial bones experience a natural process of atrophy, causing the lips to recede and appear thinner. This also leads to elongation of the philtrum (the area between the nose and upper lip).

Q: What are the preferred solutions for addressing age-related lip changes?

Dr. Muro:

While creating an M-shaped lip through surgical techniques (lip lift) might seem appealing, I personally find it unnatural for mature lips. Instead, I prefer a more subtle approach, using hyaluronic acid injections to gently increase the vertical dimension of the lips. This slight adjustment can dramatically rejuvenate the overall appearance, as a diminished vertical dimension can contribute significantly to an aged look.

Q: Can you explain the specific placement of hyaluronic acid for this purpose?

Dr. Muro:

Typically, hyaluronic acid is injected along the contour of the lips. However, I prefer a slightly different technique. I inject vertically in the center of both the upper and lower lips, creating a column of hyaluronic acid. This emphasis on form allows for a remarkable level of satisfaction, even with minimal amounts of filler.

Q: Are there alternatives to hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation?

Dr. Muro:

Fat injections are not my preferred method. While they do add volume, they tend to lack shape retention. The consistency of fat is closer to a yellow liquid than the dense, structured granules most people envision. For lips, where form is paramount, a firmer substance is crucial. And honestly, injecting granular fat would be quite impossible (laughs!).

Q: What about collagen?

Dr. Muro:

Collagen is not ideal for volume enhancement. It excels in areas where it’s naturally present, like the skin, where it can diminish fine lines and even out skin tone due to its milky hue.

Q: What if someone isn’t satisfied with just hyaluronic acid injections?

Dr. Muro:

For those seeking a more sculpted look and a raised mouth corner, a combination of hyaluronic acid and Botox injections can be effective. Botox can weaken the muscles that pull the lips downwards. More advanced cases may require surgical intervention.

Q: What about lip tattooing?

Dr. Muro:

Our clinic offers lip tattooing, but it’s essentially a form of ‘coloring.’ It doesn’t alter the shape of the lips, only their hue. While it can change the frontal view, the overall impact on the lip’s profile may be less significant.

The Science of Lip Attraction: Deconstructing Desire

Q: Why are lips considered so alluring?

Dr. Muro:

Unlike eyes or noses, lips are involved in a multitude of actions – eating, licking, sucking, feeling, kissing – all of which inherently possess a sensual quality. Even the mere act of depicting a kiss can evoke eroticism.

Q: What constitutes a desirable lip, in your professional opinion?

Dr. Muro:

I believe the ideal is a natural appearance, regardless of any enhancements. The goal is to create lips that are neither overly plump nor thin, with a defined contour and a healthy, hydrated appearance. It’s about achieving a balance that enhances, not distorts, the natural beauty.

Q: And your personal perspective?

Dr. Muro:

I find it incredibly alluring when a woman applies a bolder shade of lipstick for a special occasion. It conveys a sense of intention, a hint of excitement.

Q: You mentioned hydration. What about the role of lip gloss?

Dr. Muro:

A glossy finish can be quite appealing. Lips that appear dry and chapped lack a certain vitality. A touch of shine adds a healthy, radiant look.

Q: Why is it that, in my opinion at least, men’s full lips are often less appealing than women’s?

Dr. Muro:

Indeed, men often request lip reduction procedures. Full, fleshy lips tend to be perceived as feminine, and can even detract from a masculine appearance. This aligns with the notion that roundedness and softness are often associated with femininity, while straight lines and sharp features are typically perceived as masculine.

The Bespoke Approach to Beauty: A Commitment to Individuality

Q: Dr. Muro, your clinic is known for its emphasis on personalized consultations. Why is this so important?

Dr. Muro:

At Bespoke Clinic, we believe in a thorough understanding of each individual’s aesthetic goals. We don’t adhere to cookie-cutter solutions. Even if a patient requests a specific procedure, like a nose augmentation, we may discover during our consultation that a different approach, like adjusting the tip or refining the nostrils, could yield a more harmonious and desirable outcome. This level of personalized attention is crucial for achieving truly satisfying results.

Bespoke Clinic: Where Beauty and Expertise Intertwine

Bespoke Clinic, with its focus on patient-centered care, offers a refreshing alternative to the often impersonal, mass-produced approach found in larger chains. Their commitment to establishing a deep understanding of each patient’s unique aspirations ensures a truly bespoke journey to beauty.

[Visit Bespoke Clinic’s website to learn more](https://bespoke-clinic.jp)

[Explore their insightful YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@bespoke-clinic)



0120-394-412 (for reservations)


10:00 AM – 7:00 PM




1-2-5, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Regina Daikanyama


2-20-1, Hakata Ekimae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Oh-Hakata Building 5th Floor


This article was edited for clarity and readability, adhering to SEO best practices. Please note that this information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any questions or concerns regarding medical procedures or treatments.

About the Author:

Aya Aso is a veteran beauty editor with over 30 years of experience. She has held influential positions at prominent publications including *25ans*, *Fujin Gahou*, *Vogue Japan*, *etRouge*, and currently serves as a beauty editor, journalist, and essayist. Her insightful and engaging writing has garnered recognition from numerous brands, and she continues to be a respected voice in the beauty industry.


Toru Mitani

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