Unraveling the Tragic Deaths of Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur: Testimonies from Former Associates

Associates Shed Light on the Unsolved Murders of Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur

The recent release of a biopic on Netflix has reignited interest in the tragic deaths of renowned singer Amar Singh Chamkila and his wife, Amarjot Kaur. Several former associates of the couple have come forward to share their firsthand accounts of the fateful day in 1988, providing valuable insights into the events that unfolded and the characters involved.

Ranjeet Singh, Chamkila’s former driver, vividly recalls the sequence of events leading up to the murder. In an interview with Baltej Sran, who meticulously archives interviews with Chamkila’s associates, Ranjeet Singh describes a meal shared before the performance and the sudden eruption of gunfire upon their arrival at the venue.

According to Ranjeet Singh, Manku, Chamkila’s secretary, had informed the audience about their imminent arrival moments before the attack commenced. Ranjeet Singh, along with Manku and dholak player Lal Chand, witnessed the assailants open fire indiscriminately. Lal Chand, caught in the crossfire, sought refuge in nearby fields while Ranjeet Singh was forced to surrender the car keys to one of the assailants.

Ranjeet Singh’s account corroborates the sequence of events described by other associates present at the scene. He recalls that Amarjot typically sat in the middle of the back seat, with Chamkila by her side, while the dholak players disembarked first. However, on that fateful day, the gunfire erupted immediately after everyone exited the car.

Ranjeet Singh emphasizes that the assailants did not engage in verbal threats or demands, apart from requesting the car keys. He describes the chaotic scene that ensued, with people fleeing for cover and leaving behind their belongings.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Ranjeet Singh assisted the police in restarting the car and drove to Phillaur, where he remained in custody until the following day. He then returned the car and Chamkila’s personal effects to his family.

Ranjeet Singh also provides insights into Chamkila’s personality and daily routines. He describes him as a gentle and respectful individual who never lost his temper and refrained from drinking before performances. Chamkila treated his entire crew like family, often insisting on sharing meals together.

Ranjeet Singh recalls that Chamkila would always jump directly into the car after shows, avoiding large crowds. The driver reveals that it took him two weeks to resume work after the murders, as he was deeply affected by the traumatic experience.

The testimonies of former associates like Ranjeet Singh shed light on the circumstances surrounding the unsolved murders of Amar Singh Chamkila and Amarjot Kaur. Their accounts provide valuable insights into the lives and personalities of the victims, while also highlighting the unanswered questions that continue to linger about the perpetrators and motives behind this tragic event.

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