Unveiling the Hidden Treasures: Guide to Finding the Fortnite Cerberus Artifacts

Embarking on the Cerberus Artifact Hunt

In the captivating realm of Fortnite, a peculiar quest awaits – the pursuit of the Cerberus Artifacts. This enigmatic assignment presents you with three tantalizing clues that lead to the discovery of buried treasures scattered across the island. To unravel these riddles and claim the coveted artifacts, a keen eye and a dash of puzzle-solving prowess are essential.

Unraveling the Clues

Upon reaching the third stage of this questline, you will be bestowed with three enigmatic clues hinting at the burial sites of the coveted artifacts. Each clue demands careful interpretation and knowledge of the island’s landmarks to pinpoint the exact locations.

Artifact One: Windmill with a View of the Styx

Nestled gracefully northeast of Grim Gate, you will find a lone windmill overlooking the ethereal Styx. Beneath the imposing rock that faces the windmill’s sails, a mound awaits your pickaxe, promising the first artifact.

Artifact Two: Grassy Island at the Heart of Everything

Venture towards the tranquil lake that graces the island’s center. Among the smaller islands, seek out a grassy haven devoid of foliage. Amidst the verdant expanse, you will encounter the mound concealing the second artifact.

Artifact Three: Near the Snow, Where Bones Are Buried

Southwest of Classy Courts, in the hallowed grounds of The Cemetery, your final clue leads you. Beneath the towering trees that flank the main tower’s southern side, a mound beckons, holding the last artifact.

Claiming Your Rewards

With all three Cerberus Artifacts safely in your possession, return to Hades, who awaits you at one of the designated locations. Present your findings and progress further in this enthralling questline, uncovering the secrets that lie ahead.

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