Unveiling the Invisible: Sissel Tolaas Explores Smell in Fashion at the Met

In a groundbreaking fusion of science and fashion, ‘Sleeping Beauties’ showcases the visionary work of Sissel Tolaas, a maverick scientist who has dedicated her career to exploring the enigmatic world of scent. Her installations at the Met invite visitors to embark on an olfactory journey, delving into the profound emotional and sensory connections evoked by the invisible molecules that surround us.

Tolaas’s journey with scent began in the ’90s when she emigrated from Norway to Poland and Russia, immersing herself in the sensory tapestry of these foreign lands. Her self-conducted experiments transformed her perception of the world, leading her to pursue formal studies in chemistry and linguistics. Driven by a desire to unravel the language of smell, she embarked on a quest to develop a lexicon that could articulate the elusive nature of this invisible sense.

Unveiling the elemental essence of scents, Tolaas’s installations at the Met offer a forensic examination of their profound impact on our bodies and emotions. She isolates molecules, capturing their presence from historic garments once owned by iconic fashion figures. Through interactive experiences, visitors can engage with these scents, triggering olfactory memories and inviting personal interpretations. Tolaas believes that scents hold a unique power to evoke emotions, transcending the boundaries of time and connecting us to our past and to each other.

Tolaas’s work goes beyond the creation of pleasing fragrances; it delves into the realm of scientific exploration. She harnesses chemistry to make the invisible world tangible, shedding light on its profound influence on our sensory experiences and emotional well-being. Her installations at the Met serve as a testament to the interconnectivity of all living species and the importance of learning from nature’s multifaceted wonders. Through ‘Sleeping Beauties,’ she invites us to reconsider the boundaries of fashion, embracing the multisensory realm and the profound emotional power of scent.

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