US Condemns Terrorism, Hopes for Positive Relations Between India and Pakistan

Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State, spoke out against terrorism during a media briefing on Monday, July 1st. Responding to a question about the US’s position amid the complex relationship between the US, India, and Pakistan, Patel stated that the US hopes all countries condemn terrorism universally. He reiterated the US’s stance against terrorism and emphasized the importance of building positive relations with neighboring countries.

These comments come as India maintains its consistent position that terrorism and dialogue cannot coexist with Pakistan. Patel acknowledged this dynamic, saying, “But ultimately this is between India and Pakistan broadly, of course, we welcome any countries making more positive relations with their neighbours. But as it relates to this specifically, I just don’t have anything to offer.”

He went on to highlight the US’s deepening ties with India in various key areas, particularly economic and security cooperation. Patel emphasized, “India is a country in which we are deepening our relations within a number of key spaces, especially as it relates to deepening our economic ties, deepening our security cooperation.”

Referencing past state visits, Patel highlighted the US hosting India for a state visit last summer. He expressed optimism about continued deepening cooperation, anticipating numerous additional areas of collaboration. The US official also acknowledged Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming state visit to the US and mentioned National Security Adviser Sullivan’s recent visit to Delhi.

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