US Imposes Sanctions on Israeli Settler Group and Individual Amid Rising Violence

In a significant move aimed at curbing escalating violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, the United States has announced new sanctions against extremist Israeli settlers. The US considers this action a necessary step to reprimand groups fueled by the Israeli government, which they believe are contributing to a worsening security situation in the region.

The sanctions specifically target Hashomer Yosh, an organization known for providing security to illegal settler outposts in the West Bank, and Yitzhak Levi Filant, the security coordinator at the Yitzhar settlement. Washington has labeled them “specially designated nationals,” freezing their assets and prohibiting US citizens and companies from engaging with them.

The US Treasury Department accuses Hashomer Yosh of actively intimidating Palestinians to seize their land. This group has a history of operating in the southern Hebron hills, an area plagued by settler violence against local Bedouin inhabitants. The US State Department highlights the group’s role in forcing 250 Palestinian residents of Khirbet Zanuta, a village at the center of land disputes, to flee in late January. They further allege that Hashomer Yosh subsequently fenced off the village, preventing residents from returning.

While Hashomer Yosh operates as a non-governmental organization, it has received significant funding and support in recent years from Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition government. This connection has further fueled tensions and led to a strong condemnation of the sanctions from the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. Netanyahu’s office has deemed the sanctions “with utmost severity” and stated that the issue is under “pointed discussion” with Washington.

In the case of Yitzhak Levi Filant, the US accuses him of engaging in illegal activities beyond his official duties as a security coordinator. Despite receiving a salary directly from the Israeli Defence Minister, Filant allegedly led a group of armed settlers in February 2024 to establish roadblocks, conduct patrols, harass Palestinians on their land, and forcefully expel them from their homes.

The US statement emphasizes its commitment to holding accountable individuals and groups responsible for extremist violence in the West Bank, signaling that further action may be taken to address the ongoing conflict.

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