US-Mexico Border Wall Construction Funds Remain Unspent

The Government and Accountability Office (GAO) has released a report in response to a request from House Republicans to determine if the Biden administration violated the Impoundment and Control Act of 1974. The report focused on the administration’s blocking of funds intended for construction of the southern border wall.

The GAO found that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has used congressionally-appropriated border wall funds for environmental planning and other non-barrier construction, rather than for the intended wall construction. The report specifically highlighted that hundreds of millions of dollars originally designated for border wall construction remain unspent and unobligated. The GAO noted that as of January 8, 2024, DHS had utilized only about 47% of the allocated $1.375 billion for barrier construction in fiscal year 2021, leaving approximately $660 million unobligated.

Additionally, the report indicated that around $12 million from fiscal year 2020, also initially dedicated to border wall construction, remains unobligated. President Donald Trump had prioritized border wall construction, with a goal of reaching 450 miles of wall during his first term. However, upon taking office, President Joe Biden suspended border wall construction, prompting Republicans to push for its resumption.

The GAO’s report ultimately concluded that while the Biden administration has not violated the Impoundment and Control Act, it has been slow in constructing the wall. The report stated that the current rate of obligation of funds is consistent with the Act and does not constitute an improper impoundment.

Despite the GAO’s findings, Republicans maintain that the report should not be seen as a victory for the Biden administration. They argue that the administration has circumvented the law to avoid executive responsibility and accountability. The press release from the House Budget Committee further criticized the administration’s lack of enforcement and operational control at the southwest border, calling it a dereliction of duty.

Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to DHS for comment, but no immediate response was received.

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