Using Meta AI for Coding: A Comprehensive Analysis

### Assessing Meta AI’s Coding Proficiency

Meta AI, a large language model, has faced scrutiny to determine its coding capabilities. Four distinct tests were devised to evaluate its performance compared to other AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT.

Test 1: Constructing a WordPress Plugin

Meta AI and ChatGPT both generated the necessary fields, but ChatGPT’s presentation was more user-friendly, with clear headings and appropriate button placement. In terms of functionality, ChatGPT successfully randomized names, while Meta AI encountered a critical error known as the “White Screen of Death.”

Test 2: Modifying a String Function

Meta AI struggled with this basic task, making incorrect modifications, failing to handle multiple decimal points, and rejecting valid inputs due to incorrect formatting. In contrast, ChatGPT passed this test, demonstrating superior string manipulation skills.

Test 3: Identifying a Bug in WordPress

Meta AI surprisingly excelled in this challenge, correctly identifying a subtle error in WordPress code and suggesting an efficient improvement. This unexpected success highlights the inconsistency of AI chatbots’ responses.

Test 4: Scripting with Specialized Tools

Both Meta AI and a competitor failed to retrieve data from Keyboard Maestro, an obscure scripting tool. ChatGPT, however, succeeded, showcasing its comprehensive coding knowledge across languages.

Overall Results: A Mixed Bag

Meta AI passed only 1 out of 4 tests, while ChatGPT consistently passed all four. Based on these findings, ChatGPT remains the more reliable AI chatbot for coding assistance, exhibiting superior functionality and accuracy.

User Experiences: Share Your Thoughts

Have you experimented with coding using Meta AI, Gemini, or ChatGPT? We welcome your insights and experiences in the comments below.

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