USTR Report Highlights Slow Pace of Reforms in China, Raises Concerns over IP Protection

The 93-page report, with a 10-page section dedicated to China, outlines the USTR’s ongoing actions to address unfair Chinese practices. The report notes that China remains the world’s leading source of pirated and counterfeit goods, accounting for over 83% of the value of such goods seized by US customs in fiscal year 2023.

The USTR has expressed concerns about the decrease in transparency and potential for political intervention in the Chinese judicial system. The report highlights the reduction in the number of verdicts uploaded to the China Judgments Online database, hampering foreign right holders’ ability to assess the protection and enforcement of IP in China.

In addition to the Special 301 Report, the USTR has launched another Section 301 investigation into China’s maritime, logistics, and shipbuilding sectors. This investigation follows the 2017 probe that resulted in tariffs on imported goods from China. Despite the 2020 phase-one trade deal, which included a chapter on strengthening IP protection and enforcement in China, stakeholders continue to express concerns about implementation and the need for further progress.

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