Veterans Enjoy a Day of Fishing, BBQ, and Camaraderie at O’Hara Community Park

Spending a day at the park, fishing for bluegill and enjoying a barbecue with friends, is an idyllic experience. For veteran Thomas Stubler, a resident of the VA Pittsburgh Community Living Center, this was a reality thanks to an annual outing hosted by the Morningside Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3945 at O’Hara Community Park. He is among the 100 or so hospitalized veterans who are treated to this special day every year. “It’s a great place for us to go and relieve our tension,” said Stubler. “It’s so wonderful that other veterans like myself are sponsoring this for us.” Post Commander John Santoriello, who served as a minesweeper during the Vietnam War, often hears from health care staff that participants “tell them about the wonderful day and how they can’t wait to get back out there.” The VFW post has been hosting this event for 14 years, and it has grown from a few dozen participants to more than 100. While sunshine and camaraderie are abundant, the sole mission of the event, according to Santoriello, is to “give these guys a better day than the one they had before.” Held on May 8th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the event is open to all veterans. For those in hospitals or nursing homes, transportation to the park along Fox Chapel Road will be provided. Anglers will be assisted at the lake, which will be stocked by the VFW, with fishing rods and bait. After a leisurely catch and release session, they will be treated to a barbecue, an ice cream truck, and free haircuts. Prizes will be awarded for the biggest catches. A DJ will spin music, and everyone will receive goodie bags filled with socks and toiletries to take home. Attendees will also get coupons to use at the stores inside the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System and other long-term care facilities. “A lot of them are just excited to get out and get some fresh air,” said Santoriello. “These are American heroes. They deserve our recognition.

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