Veterinarian Shares 11 Dog Breeds She Would Adopt – Including a Controversial Choice

When choosing a dog, it’s crucial to consider your lifestyle and ensure you can provide the exercise, attention, and space they need. A high-energy breed like a Border Collie, for example, wouldn’t thrive in a small apartment with limited walks. Ultimately, a dog’s behavior is heavily influenced by its environment, and with proper care, any breed can flourish.

If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, a veterinary technician named Connie recently shared her personal top 11 dog breeds, highlighting why she would happily adopt each one.

Golden Retrievers:

Beloved worldwide, these gentle giants are known for their sweet, calm nature, and ease of training. They’re great with children and other animals, and Connie notes, “They’re always happy to be included in any activity, from hiking to swimming to sports.”


Despite their athletic build, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-maintenance, needing only an hour of exercise daily. Connie describes them as “gentle, quick learners, and love being around their family.” She even adds, “I love how awkward they are.”

Standard Poodles:

Connie calls Standard Poodles “smart and self-aware,” even comparing them to being a “human roommate.” Their intelligence and trainability make them exceptional companions.


While not as intellectually gifted as Poodles, Boxers are equally adorable. Connie writes, “The sweetest babies ever, I’ve never met a mean one. Their brains are the size of a pea.” Their playful personalities and unwavering loyalty make them a joy to have around.

Chihuahuas and Cane Corsos:

These two breeds, despite their size difference, both appear on Connie’s list. While she notes she rarely sees Chihuahuas due to their dental health concerns, she believes their personalities are charming. Cane Corsos, on the other hand, require significant training, but Connie believes they are “so worth it.”


Despite their intimidating reputation, Connie sees Rottweilers as “the equivalent of a potato with feelings” when bred and raised properly. Their unwavering loyalty and protective instincts make them excellent companions.

American Pit Bull Terriers:

Connie’s list includes a controversial choice – the American Pit Bull Terrier, banned in the UK since 1991. Despite the breed’s history, Connie believes that “When raised right, they are literally the perfect breed.”

American Staffordshire Terriers:

Often misunderstood, Connie describes American Staffordshire Terriers as “so sweet, they have no idea they’re even a dog – they’re just happy to be alive.” Their loving nature and playful personalities make them a joy to have around.

American Bulldogs:

Last but not least, Connie praises American Bulldogs as the “best combination of love bug and guard dog.” Their affectionate nature and protective instincts make them both loving companions and reliable guardians.

Connie’s video sparked lively discussion among dog lovers, with many agreeing with her assessments. One user shared, “My dad has a Cane Corso. He also has a baby kitten. The kitten is in charge.” Another person wrote, “Greyhounds are perfect if you’ve always wanted a horse that lives in your house. Can confirm their simple existence is hilarious.” And a third person penned, “I never understood the Golden Retriever hype until I worked in the Veterinary industry & now I get it. I’d take a dozen. They’ve sucked me in.”

Connie’s list encourages a thoughtful approach to dog ownership. While breed characteristics provide insight, it’s important to remember that each dog is an individual. Ultimately, finding the perfect match for your lifestyle is key to a happy and fulfilling relationship with your furry friend.

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