The film follows Vikrant Massey as vernacular journalist Samar Kumar, who teams up with fellow reporter Raashii Khanna and senior anchor Ridhi Dogra to investigate a political scandal. Ranjan Chandel helms the project, with Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, Amul V Mohan, and Anshul Mohan serving as producers.
Vikrant Massey is currently enjoying the success of his recent release, ’12th Fail’, which emerged as a word-of-mouth hit and grossed nearly Rs 60 crore worldwide. Based on a book by Anurag Pathak, the film chronicles the life of Manoj Kumar Sharma, who overcame extreme poverty to become an IPS officer, with his wife, IRS officer Shraddha Joshi, playing a crucial role in his journey.