Violence against Women, Modelling, and the Need for Change

Violence against Women, Modelling, and the Need for Change

Violence against women remains a persistent issue, yet its underlying causes have not been fully addressed. One overlooked area is the issue of modelling in society. Negative behaviors, such as those displayed in parliament and sports commentary, perpetuate a culture of intolerance and violence.

Parliamentarians’ aggressive behavior and commentators’ glorification of physical contact in sports send a harmful message. It is essential to promote respectful discourse and challenge behaviors that contribute to a violent society.

The criminal justice system must take police recommendations for bail approvals more seriously. Police officers have firsthand knowledge of individuals who pose a threat to others. By ignoring red flags, as in the case of Molly Ticehurst’s murder, the system fails to protect innocent lives.

Stiffer bail laws for potential AVO offenders are crucial. Personal trackers can also be effective deterrents, limiting the ability of stalkers to harm potential victims. The senseless murder of Molly Ticehurst could have been prevented if such measures were in place.

It is time for society to collectively address the root causes of violence against women. By challenging negative modelling, strengthening the criminal justice system, and prioritizing the safety of women, we can create a society where violence is no longer tolerated.

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