Viral Pink Dolphin Images Spark Debate: Real or Fake?

A series of images of a pink dolphin, allegedly found off the coast of North Carolina, has captured the internet’s attention, leaving viewers both amazed and puzzled. The images, shared on X (formerly Twitter), show an endangered pink dolphin supposedly washed ashore in North Carolina. The images quickly went viral, but upon closer inspection, many users noticed the dolphin had an unusually plastic appearance.

This detail sparked widespread speculation, with numerous users questioning the authenticity of the images. Some suggested they were AI-generated or fake, pointing to the dolphin’s plastic-like texture and the word ‘cola’ emblazoned on its forehead.

Despite the skepticism, some users defended the images, stating that the dolphin is real and that albino dolphins are a rare but existing phenomenon. One user even cited a similar sighting of an albino dolphin near Louisiana a few years ago.

The debate continues, with users offering varying opinions on the images’ validity. Some remain convinced the dolphin is genuine, while others remain unconvinced, clinging to the belief that the images are fabricated.

Finding a pink dolphin is incredibly uncommon. Experts at the World Wildlife Fund have identified this unique animal as the Amazon River dolphin, also known as the boto or pink river dolphin. These freshwater mammals are primarily found in the Amazon and Orinoco River basins in South America, including countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and others.

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