Virginia Fonseca Shares Glimpses of Baby José Leonardo’s Nursery

Virginia Fonseca, the wife of Brazilian singer Zé Felipe, shared heartwarming photos of the nursery for their soon-to-be-born son, José Leonardo, on Wednesday, September 4th. This will be the couple’s third child, adding to their growing family which already includes daughters Maria Alice, 3, and Maria Flor, 1 year and 10 months.

In the Instagram post, Virginia captioned the images, “Some details of our home for you!” She went on to express her excitement, adding, “P.S.: Every time I enter José Leonardo’s room, my anxiety increases! It’s all ready, just waiting for our prince! May God bless 🙌🏻💖💜💙.”

The photos offer a glimpse into the beautifully decorated nursery, showcasing the loving preparation for the arrival of their baby boy. The couple’s fans are eagerly anticipating the arrival of José Leonardo and sending well wishes to the family as they prepare to welcome their newest addition.

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