The Mana franchise, a beloved series among dedicated role-playing enthusiasts, has often flown under the radar of mainstream audiences. However, its newest title, Visions of Mana, might be its most accessible entry yet. This gorgeous, sprawling adventure boasts a charming cast of characters and an abundance of things to see and do. It serves as a reboot of sorts, making it the perfect opportunity for newcomers to dive into the world that has captivated long-time fans.
If you’re considering exploring this exciting RPG and are curious about the time commitment, look no further. Here’s a breakdown of how long it takes to beat Visions of Mana:
Main Story:
If your goal is simply to experience the main narrative and roll credits, you can expect to spend around 30 hours. However, playing on the game’s hardest difficulty may add some time to your playthrough.Completionist:
Visions of Mana offers an incredible amount of optional content, including side quests, challenges, and a lengthy trophy/achievement list. These activities can easily extend your playtime to 60-70 hours. For players seeking to experience everything the game has to offer, prepare for a truly immersive journey.Visions of Mana is a captivating RPG experience that caters to both casual players and hardcore completionists. Whether you’re seeking a quick adventure or a long and rewarding journey, the game offers something for everyone.