VisitBritain Launches Trade Mission to Australia, Aiming to Boost Tourism

VisitBritain is set to host a comprehensive five-day trade mission across Australia from September 9th to 13th, bringing together a diverse group of UK travel and tourism suppliers with Australia’s leading travel buyers. The mission, spanning Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, will be a crucial platform for fostering collaboration and promoting the UK as a top travel destination.

This event will offer Australian buyers a unique opportunity to directly engage with UK-based suppliers, ranging from hotels and sightseeing operators to retailers and destination management organizations. The mission’s focus is on facilitating personalized business meetings, designed to introduce new products, innovations, and potential partnerships within the travel sector.

VisitBritain Chairman Nick de Bois CBE expressed his enthusiasm for the mission, stating, “I am delighted to be leading VisitBritain’s first trade mission to Australia in nearly a decade, a timely and valuable opportunity to harness the strong growth we’re seeing from this incredibly important inbound visitor market, forecast to be worth a record £1.7 billion to our economy this year.”

The mission is a significant step in strengthening ties between the UK and Australian travel industries. It aims to re-establish connections after a period of limited interaction and provide Australian travel professionals with in-depth knowledge of UK destinations and tourism offerings. This, in turn, is expected to broaden travel itineraries and encourage visitors to explore more of the UK’s diverse regions, boosting local economies.

Beyond business meetings, the event will also feature networking opportunities and training sessions specifically designed for Australian travel advisors. These sessions will provide valuable insights and skills development, empowering them to effectively convert interest in UK travel into actual bookings.

VisitBritain will also introduce its new and substantial ‘Starring GREAT Britain’ campaign during the mission. This campaign, set to launch in major markets, including Australia, by early 2025, leverages the growing trend of screen tourism. Recognizing the appeal of exploring filming locations from popular movies and television shows, the campaign aims to capitalize on this trend and attract even more visitors to the UK. Research has shown that 86% of Australians interested in visiting the UK are eager to explore locations featured in film and television, highlighting the campaign’s relevance and potential impact.

Current data from VisitBritain projects a record-breaking £1.7 billion in expenditure by Australians visiting the UK this year. In 2023, the number of Australian visitors to the UK reached an all-time high of 1.2 million, reflecting a 10% increase from 2019. This surge in interest and travel signifies a robust market for UK tourism, with Australia emerging as a key source of inbound visitors. The trade mission, with its comprehensive approach to fostering partnerships, promoting UK destinations, and capitalizing on the popularity of screen tourism, is strategically positioned to further boost these numbers and strengthen the UK’s position as a top travel destination for Australians.

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