Weekly Horoscope: September 2nd – 8th, 2023

Embrace Kindness and Inner Peace

As we transition into a new week, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care. Have you been constantly pushing yourself, neglecting your own needs? Remember that it’s perfectly alright to take a moment for yourself and find tranquility. This shift in seasons is a reminder to nurture your body and mind. Imagine a warm hand gently resting on your cheek, eyelids, or stomach – allowing a soothing calmness to permeate your being. This week, let’s prioritize self-compassion and start each day with a gentle heart.

Fashion Focus: Embrace the Structured Look

This week’s fashion lucky item is all about structure. Embrace the power of tailored pieces to enhance your well-being. A structured bag, like the classic top-handle “Aventurine” by Miu Miu, can infuse a touch of sophistication and elegance to your daily style. Accessorize with playful charms to add a pop of personality, keeping your look fresh and vibrant. Consider adding a touch of color with a leather mini-bag, crochet details, or a vibrant pouch to create a personalized and stylish ensemble.

Your Personalized Astrological Guidance


Focus on maintaining a balanced diet for optimal health. Enjoy the process of creating visually appealing meals.
*Lucky Item*: Gardening supplies


You’re radiating charm this week! Expect increased popularity and opportunities to take center stage.
*Lucky Item*: Orange jelly


Strengthen your familial bonds. Be open to conversations and find resolutions through dialogue.
*Lucky Item*: Kitchen tools


Consider switching up your social media platforms for a fresh perspective. Speak your requests clearly and confidently.
*Lucky Item*: Smartphone case


Create a space that nourishes your soul. Seek out connections with individuals who share your passions.
*Lucky Item*: Cushions


With the new moon in Virgo on September 3rd, embrace introspection and initiate new beginnings.
*Lucky Item*: Sports towel


Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Dive deep into your emotions and connect with your authentic self.
*Lucky Item*: Long skirt


Leverage digital tools to gain fresh perspectives. Explore new avenues and embrace innovation.
*Lucky Item*: Smart speaker


Embrace tradition and find luck in timeless practices. Explore activities like tea ceremony for a sense of grounding.
*Lucky Item*: Bamboo basket


This week marks a period of personal transformation. Make decisive choices that align with your values and future aspirations.
*Lucky Item*: Gapao rice


Immerse yourself fully in your endeavors. This is a time for focused productivity and channeling your energy into your passions.
*Lucky Item*: Beauty oil


Elevate your style and embrace fashion as a form of self-expression. Infuse your aura with floral scents for a touch of enchantment.
*Lucky Item*: Rose water

About the Astrologer:

Ryuji Kagami, born in Kyoto in 1968, is a renowned psychologist, astrologer, translator, and author. He holds degrees from International Christian University, specializing in comparative culture. He is a member of the British Astrological Association, a board member of the Japanese Transpersonal Psychology Society, and a visiting professor at both平安女学院大学 and 京都文教大学. He is a prominent figure in the world of astrology, gracing numerous magazines, television programs, and radio broadcasts.

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