When You Know They’re Not the One: Relationships That Unraveled

Some relationships start off with great promise, but over time, people may realize that their partner is not the one they want to spend their life with. In a candid discussion on Reddit, individuals shared their stories of how they realized their once-perfect relationships had come to an end, with love stories dwindling over time and others crashing to an unexpected halt.

One person shared their moment of clarity, revealing: “When I felt a sense of dread when coming home to her, or when I was at home and she was coming home to me. Wondering what triviality she would be angry about this time.”

Echoing this sentiment, another chimed in: “Been there man. I used to wonder why the old guys at work just wanted to go to the pub every day after work. Then I got a decent job and a rubbish relationship.”

A third individual recounted the rollercoaster nature of their past romance: “We never had an okay day. We had amazing days and awful days. Never just a nice okay one. Think of always manic or always depressed, no breaks. It was tough but had to break off.”

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