White House Downplays Putin-Xi Embrace, Expresses Concern Over Russia-China Ties

The White House has downplayed the significance of a hug between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping during Xi’s visit to Beijing on Thursday.

“Exchanging hugs? Well, that’s nice for them,” said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby in response to questions about the meaning of the public display of affection. “I’m not qualified to comment on personal human physical affection. I believe it’s up to these two gentlemen to explain why they felt compelled to embrace.”

Despite repeated US concerns about Chinese companies supplying Russia with technology for its invasion of Ukraine, Kirby emphasized that Xi’s visit did not result in any significant advancements in this area. Washington has not observed any indication that Xi is eager to provide substantial support to Moscow’s military forces.

“We did not witness anything unexpected during this meeting,” Kirby stated. “However, I would not go so far as to say we are not concerned about this relationship and its potential trajectory. We are closely monitoring the situation.”

Putin’s trip to Beijing marked his first international visit since his re-election in March. The leaders of Russia and China portrayed their countries’ partnership as a stabilizing force in a turbulent global landscape during their bilateral talks.

The White House continues to express concerns about the evolving relationship between Russia and China, emphasizing the importance of monitoring its potential implications.

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