Wildfire Smoke: The New Normal in North America

Wildfire smoke is becoming increasingly common in North America, posing significant health risks and necessitating changes in how we live and work.

Hotter and drier conditions, coupled with decades of fire suppression that has led to an accumulation of dry grasses and underbrush, have made large wildfires more frequent and intense. Wildfire smoke contains particulate matter and chemicals that can exacerbate asthma, worsen existing respiratory and cardiac problems, and make people more susceptible to respiratory infection.

Exposure to wildfire smoke is not limited to areas near wildfires; smoke can travel hundreds of miles, affecting people far from the source of the fire. In recent years, wildfire smoke has reached unhealthy levels from Montana to Wisconsin, and even New York City has experienced significant smoke pollution.

Individuals can take steps to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke, such as monitoring forecasts, having face masks and air monitors available, and modifying outdoor activities and household ventilation choices. Communities need contingency plans for festivals and recreation venues, as well as rules for businesses to protect outdoor workers.

Improved forecasting, air quality monitoring, and research are essential for effective adaptations to wildfire smoke. More accurate 10-day forecasts and neighborhood-level forecasts would help communities plan ahead. Merging seasonal weather forecasts with satellite assessments of wildfire fuel conditions could also enhance emergency planning. Maintaining a strong air quality monitoring network is also important to provide early warning of smoke events.

Living with wildfire smoke is emerging as a new reality that people across much of North America will have to contend with again this year, and prepare for in the future. By taking steps to reduce exposure and improve forecasting and monitoring, we can mitigate the health risks and adapt to the challenges posed by wildfire smoke.

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