World Boxing Races Against Time to Secure Boxing’s Place in 2028 Olympics

The clock is ticking for national boxing federations to throw their support behind World Boxing and ensure boxing’s place in the 2028 Olympic Games. World Boxing president Boris van der Vorst has issued a rallying cry, urging federations to act quickly, even if they maintain their ties with the International Boxing Association (IBA), which has been stripped of recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Van der Vorst emphasizes that World Boxing is not vying with the IBA; the priority is securing boxing’s presence in the Olympics. He welcomes national federations to join World Boxing even if they remain affiliated with the IBA. “It is a transitional period and you have to respect that everyone would be looking for what is in the best interest of their boxers,” he stated.

The IOC’s decision to de-recognize the IBA last year stemmed from the organization’s failure to implement crucial governance and financial reforms. A decision on boxing’s inclusion in the 2028 Games is expected early next year. The IOC has issued a stark warning that boxing will be excluded from the Los Angeles Games unless national federations appoint a new global governing body.

World Boxing, founded last year, aims to fill this gap. The recent general assembly of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) provided a platform for van der Vorst to urge national federations to take swift action. “We have to deliver within a few months and we have to show the IOC that we want to stay in the Olympic movement,” he stressed.

He underscored the importance of this decision, stating that it impacts the finances of federations, participation in multi-sport events, and most importantly, the Olympic aspirations of boxers. Van der Vorst implores federations to “wake up and work for the future of your own boxers at least.”

Currently, World Boxing enjoys the support of 45 federations, with the number expected to grow. Van der Vorst expressed the organization’s desire to represent all facets of the boxing world, striving for global representation.

While the Asian Boxing Confederation recently decided to remain affiliated with the IBA, van der Vorst, in his address to the OCA gathering, assured the continent of strong representation in World Boxing. “At World Boxing, we guarantee that Asia will get a voice – in the commissions, in the committees and in the board,” he promised.

The stakes are high for the future of boxing in the Olympics. As time runs out, the decision of national federations will determine whether boxing will be able to secure its place in the 2028 Games in Los Angeles.

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