X Platform Launches Dedicated Video App for Smart TVs

X Platform continues its video expansion with a designated video application for smart TV sets, marking another step in their video streaming endeavor. The X video app debuted on Tuesday, highlighting key features such as a trending video algorithm, AI-driven trending topics, and cross-device compatibility, enabling users to seamlessly transition between phone and TV while watching content. Notably, the X TV app will launch without advertisements, as per a note distributed to the company’s corporate partners on Tuesday. “Our primary focus is introducing this new feature to consumers; however, we do intend to monetize it and consider various partnership models, including advertising,” the note stated.

Moreover, the company shared a preview video showcasing the video experience and offering a glimpse of the TV app. The preview video featured Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin and footage of a SpaceX rocket launch, a company also owned by Musk.

Under the leadership of CEO Linda Yaccarino, a seasoned NBCUniversal advertising executive, video has become a crucial priority for X. In addition to enabling users to upload their own videos similar to YouTube, the company has secured agreements with third-party providers, including a multi-year deal with Range Media Partners. This partnership has resulted in shows hosted by sports personality Jim Rome, along with upcoming shows hosted by Tulsi Gabbard and Don Lemon. Prior to the first episode, Musk conducted an intense interview with the former CNN host. Additionally, X has partnered with the WWE to broadcast matches once a week.

Other tech platforms have also prioritized the living room experience. YouTube frequently emphasizes the significant viewership of its videos on TV apps (noting that it surpasses Netflix in TV viewership), and TikTok has also invested in and launched a TV app experience. While X remains primarily text and image-driven, with a focus on real-time information, its video business is still in its early stages.

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