Youngest Snowmachine Racer Triumphs in Gunner 120

Esther Skin, a mere 16 years old, made her mark in snowmachine racing by emerging victorious in her first-ever competition. The Gunner 120, an all-women cross-country snowmachine race, witnessed Skin’s triumph in a fan class of Gunner 120.

Driven by a desire to follow their father’s footsteps, Esther and her sister Samantha Skin ventured into snowmachining. Their father, who passed away in 2018, instilled in them a love for the sport. With their brother providing support at a fuel stop, Esther drew strength from her family’s presence throughout the race. She expressed that her father would have been proud of her accomplishment.

The event, named after Mabel Irene Mitchell, affectionately known as Gunner, honored her competitive spirit. Mitchell’s legacy continues to inspire women in snowmachining. This race provides a platform exclusively for female racers, celebrating their skills and determination.

Participants from across Northwest Alaska, including Kotzebue, Noorvik, Noatak, Selawik, Kiana, Buckland, and Nome, gathered for the event. The trail conditions were ideal, allowing the racers to showcase their abilities.

Shayla Johnson, an experienced racer from Nome, finished third in the B class. She highlighted the appeal of the Gunner 120 for women, offering various classes and attracting a large number of female participants.

Jia Ballot, another participant from Selawik, had a remarkable journey to the race. Despite giving birth to her second child a month prior, Ballot was unwavering in her determination to participate. With the support of her family, she made the trek to Kotzebue amidst challenging weather conditions.

The race commenced with limited visibility due to a whiteout, but conditions improved as the racers ventured further from town. The smooth and flat trail allowed for a comfortable ride, adding to the enjoyment of the event.

The Gunner 120 not only celebrates the legacy of a racing icon but also fosters a sense of community among women who share a passion for snowmachining. The event serves as an inspiration for young racers like Esther Skin, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and carve their own paths in the thrilling world of snowmachine racing.

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