Youth-Led Teams Win Grand Prize in EarthEcho International’s OurEcho Challenge

EarthEcho International, a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring youth to protect our oceans, has announced the grand prize winners of its OurEcho Challenge. This annual STEM competition, supported by Aramco, encourages young problem solvers to address the threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. The winning teams, hailing from the U.S. and U.K., were chosen after presenting their projects to a panel of experts, including youth, environmental and corporate leaders, engineers, scientists, and educators. The projects were judged based on their vision, scientific rigor, feasibility, and the quality of the teams’ proposals. The public also had the opportunity to vote for their favorite team projects during the People’s Choice Award, informed by videos created by each finalist team. The OurEcho Challenge empowers young changemakers, aged 13-16, in the U.S. and U.K., to take a closer look at their local ecosystems, identify threats, and develop solutions. Philippe Cousteau, Jr., founder of EarthEcho International, expressed his pride in the young advocates, stating, “It’s truly an honor to witness the incredible passion, dedication, and ingenuity of this new generation of young advocates and problem solvers. So often, conversations focus on the difference that young people will make in the future, but that isn’t the whole story. Young people are making a difference right now – in their homes, schools, and communities. We’re proud to be able to support them through initiatives like the OurEcho Challenge.” For more information about the winning teams and their projects, visit [link to website]. To learn more about the OurEcho Challenge and follow for updates, visit [link to website] or connect on [social media platforms].

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