Zack Snyder Clarifies Comments on Movie Theaters vs. Streaming

Filmmaker Zack Snyder has clarified his recent comments about movie theaters versus streaming, after many felt he had undervalued the role of cinemas in film distribution.

While appearing on a podcast, Snyder had said that his movie REBEL MOON had a larger audience on Netflix than it would have had in theaters, leading some to accuse him of dismissing the importance of the big screen experience.

However, Snyder has since clarified his comments, saying that he was simply stating the facts based on the numbers he was given by Netflix. He emphasized that he is not trying to downplay the cultural significance of movie theaters.

“The cultural significance of a movie happens when it’s in the theaters,” Snyder said.

“That’s when we all take a bite of the apple, and happily.

“So my only point is that I think there is a theatrical zeitgeist.

“Even though maybe more people have eyes on something, the actual sort of cultural significance is dictated still by the theater.”

The debate over movie theaters versus streaming is likely to continue, but Snyder’s clarification shows that he is not trying to diminish the importance of cinemas. He is simply stating the facts based on the data he has available.

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