In her directorial debut, Zoë Kravitz presents ‘Blink Twice,’ a captivating thriller featuring her fiancé, Channing Tatum. Tatum portrays Slater King, a wealthy tech mogul who invites two women, played by Naomi Ackie and Alia Shawkat, to his secluded island for a weekend getaway with friends.
As the trailer unfolds, the idyllic setting takes a menacing turn. A raging fire engulfs King’s mansion, and Tatum’s character is seen bloodied and uttering the chilling words, ‘So, everybody’s dead.’
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Tatum shared that his role in ‘Blink Twice’ pushed him into uncharted territory. ‘We’re delving into some really uncomfortable themes,’ he said. ‘I’ve never played a character like this before. It was unsettling, but also deeply intriguing, and I believe it will provoke thought-provoking discussions when the film releases.’
Set to hit theaters on August 23rd, ‘Blink Twice’ boasts an impressive supporting cast, including Adria Arjona, Haley Joel Osment, Christian Slater, Kyle MacLachlan, Geena Davis, Saul Williams, and Simon Rex. Prepare yourself for a thrilling and unsettling cinematic experience that will linger long after the credits roll.