Zomato Delivery Boy’s Mumbai Slum Life Touches Hearts, Woman Pays 3 Months Rent

Pranjoy Borgoyary, an aspiring singer and state-level footballer, moved from his home in the Northeast to Mumbai to work as a Zomato delivery driver. He shared his story and a glimpse of his living conditions in a Mumbai slum through an Instagram reel. The video, which garnered over 4 million views, showed the narrow, cramped street leading to his shared room. The room, accessible through a tiny iron staircase, costs Pranjoy ₹ 500 per month. Stained walls, clothes covering every inch of space, and a kitten perched in a corner painted a stark picture of the reality of limited space in Mumbai slums. Viewers were touched by Pranjoy’s story, praising his resilience and admiring his pet cat. Many commented on his inspiring attitude and expressed gratitude for their own comfortable lives. One user, Khushi, was deeply moved by the video and decided to offer her support. She paid ₹ 1,500, covering Pranjoy’s rent for three months. Khushi’s act of kindness resonated with viewers, further highlighting the impact of Pranjoy’s story. The viral video served as a reminder of the struggles faced by many in Mumbai’s slums and showcased the power of human kindness in unexpected ways.

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