In the realm of psychological thrillers, ‘Rakkhosh’ stands out as a haunting exploration of the inner turmoil experienced by two patients in a mental institution. This 2019 Indian film, directed by Abhijit Kokate and Srivinay Salian, delves into the depths of trauma and its manifestation as terrifying fantasies.
Through the perspectives of Birsa Sekhri (portrayed by Namit Das) and Kumar John (played by Sanjay Mishra), ‘Rakkhosh’ sheds light on the lasting effects of abuse. Birsa’s troubled past, marked by relentless abuse, haunts him in the present as he draws parallels between his experiences and his current state of being. The film masterfully portrays how trauma can distort reality, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.
As the story unfolds, the patients become convinced that a monstrous entity they name ‘Rakkhosh’ is responsible for the disappearance of their fellow patients. This shared delusion serves as a metaphor for the internal struggles they face, as they grapple with their own demons and the horrors of their past.
If you’re seeking a thought-provoking and emotionally charged cinematic experience, ‘Rakkhosh’ is a must-watch. The film’s exploration of mental health, trauma, and the power of imagination provides a unique and unsettling glimpse into the human psyche. And with its availability on Netflix, you can delve into this gripping story from the comfort of your own home.