Atmosphere Core’s Sustainability Initiatives: A Commitment to Eco-Conscious Hospitality

Atmosphere Core’s comprehensive sustainability strategy encompasses a wide range of initiatives that are not just eco-conscious but also innovative. From embracing renewable energy sources to conserving water resources, the company’s commitment to sustainable operations is evident across its resorts. Individual resorts have taken the lead in pioneering unique solutions, such as the vertical hydroponic garden at OZEN LIFE MAADHOO and the in-house biogas setup at OBLU SELECT Sangeli.

Beyond its resorts, Atmosphere Core extends its sustainability efforts to the local community through its non-profit foundation, Atmosphere Foundation. The foundation’s remarkable milestones include establishing a state-of-the-art training kitchen for special needs students, implementing reading programs for thousands of youngsters, and providing health screening services for senior citizens.

Atmosphere Core’s commitment to combating climate change is exemplified by its ambitious Bamboo for Climate Change Mitigation project. Through this initiative, the foundation has donated germinated bamboo seedlings and introduced saplings to over two dozen islands, actively contributing to the Maldives’ goal of becoming a carbon-free destination.

The company’s dedication to environmental care extends to the preservation of marine ecosystems. Seven of Atmosphere Core’s nine resorts actively engage in coral conservation, employing dedicated marine biologists and installing coral frames to promote the growth of new coral colonies.

Atmosphere Core’s sustainability efforts have been recognized through Green Globe Certification for all its resorts, with OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI and OBLU NATURE Helengeli by SENTIDO achieving gold-level certifications. This prestigious certification signifies the company’s adherence to rigorous environmental standards and its unwavering commitment to sustainable practices.

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