EU Launches Probe into TikTok Lite App, Threatens to Suspend Reward Feature

EU Launches Probe into TikTok Lite App, Threatens to Suspend Reward Feature

The European Union (EU) has launched an investigation into TikTok’s spinoff app, TikTok Lite, due to concerns about its potential risks to users’ mental health, particularly among minors.

Concerns over Addictive Features

The EU is particularly concerned about the app’s reward program, which allows users to earn points for watching and liking videos. The commission believes that this feature could be as addictive as cigarettes and could pose serious harm to users’ mental well-being.

Failure to Submit Risk Assessment

TikTok Lite arrived in France and Spain in March and allows users aged 18 and over to participate in the rewards program. However, TikTok failed to provide a risk assessment for the app by an April 18 deadline, prompting the EU to demand its submission by Tuesday.

Threat of Interim Measures

The EU has threatened to impose interim measures, including the suspension of the rewards program, pending an assessment of its safety. TikTok has until Wednesday to present a defense against such measures.

Previous Probe and Ongoing Investigations

This is the EU’s second investigation into TikTok under the Digital Services Act (DSA), which requires digital firms to do more to police content online. The EU has also opened probes into X (formerly Twitter) and Chinese internet retailer AliExpress.

Pressure from the United States

TikTok is also facing pressure from the United States. The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that would force TikTok to divest from its parent company ByteDance or face a nationwide ban in the US.

TikTok has expressed disappointment with the EU’s decision and insists that the program is not available to minors. The company will continue discussions with the commission but has until Wednesday to present a formal defense.

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