From Book Thief to Published Author: 90’s Kid’s Story Touches J.K. Rowling

In 2007, a 15-year-old boy named Reese Thomas, fueled by an insatiable curiosity and a love for storytelling, found himself unable to resist the allure of J.K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’. The book, priced at around Rs 900, was beyond the reach of this young student from a modest background. Driven by his passion for reading and spurred on by his friends, Thomas dared to steal a copy from a local bookstore, ‘New College Book Stall’, an act that could have jeopardized his dreams before they even began.

Fast forward 17 years, and the same bookstore that witnessed his youthful transgression now proudly displays his own published work, ’90’s Kid’. Thomas, now a successful author and assistant director for numerous Malayalam movies, returned to the scene of his crime, not to face punishment but to pay back what he had taken. However, the store owner, Devdas, recognizing the remarkable turn of events, asked for nothing more than a signed copy of Thomas’ book.

This heartwarming story of redemption caught the attention of J.K. Rowling herself, who recently expressed her mixed feelings on Twitter, acknowledging the wrong but celebrating the joy it brought. “I know I’ll be accused of encouraging book stealing by sharing this, so PLEASE DON’T STEAL BOOKS, BOOK STEALING IS BAD. Anyway, this is the loveliest thing and made me really happy,” Rowling posted on X on July 9, sharing a news link of an article on Thomas.

’90’s Kid’ was released on May 1, 2024, after which Thomas gathered the courage to visit the stall from where he shoplifted Rowling’s book 17 years ago. The book has since gone into its second edition. Well-known director-turned-actor Basil Joseph’s sister, Shincy, was instrumental in inspiring him to publish a book. “When I wrote about the stealing incident on Facebook, she commented that it would be ‘heroism’ if the same stall had my books on its stand. This book is a compilation of all my writing on Facebook over the years. It’s about our simple joys of that era,” Thomas said.

Speaking to PTI, Thomas described his book as a nostalgic journey for those born in the 1990s. “We didn’t have the influx of the internet in our lives like we do today. I used to find solace in reading. We enjoyed the smaller things. Those were simpler times. It was fun,” he said, reminiscing about the simpler pleasures of his youth, like watching cricket, which he described as an emotion. “Many 90’s kids can recollect fond memories of cricket, which was an emotion then. But that enthusiasm to watch the game is not there now,” he said.

The inspiration behind his youthful act of stealing, Thomas confessed, was a mix of Harry Potter’s magic and Dhoom 2’s daring heists. “I was apprehended by the store owner when I went there the next time, but they could not accuse me of anything for want of evidence. I had a narrow escape. But later, I wanted to repay the owner but didn’t have the courage to go there. Once my book was published and it was on the stands there, I went there with a friend,” Thomas said.

He still possesses the book he stole 17 years ago and proudly showed it to Devdas, who refused to accept payment for the book, instead asking Thomas to sign a copy of his work for the store.

Thomas, who has served as an assistant director in numerous movies, including Padmini, Luca, Kammattipadam, Carbon, Minnal Murali, and others, is now pursuing his next dream – directing a movie. “Publishing a book was my dream. Now directing a movie is the next one,” Thomas said.

He also treasures a note sent by renowned author Paulo Coelho. “Before technology took over, books were our friends. After reading Coelho’s Alchemist, I wanted to talk to him. Along with a friend, I somehow managed to write something in English and send it to him through his website. I was surprised when he replied. I was over the moon when he sent a personalised note to my address,” Thomas said.

In a note addressed to Thomas, Coelho wrote, “We must always be prepared for the surprises of time.” Like the saying in The Alchemist, Thomas’ dream of publishing a book was fulfilled, and as Coelho noted, he was surprised by Rowling’s heartwarming response. Now, people are asking for the English translation of ’90’s Kid’, Thomas shared.

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