Halle Bailey Opens Up About Her Struggle with Postpartum Depression

In a Snapchat video, Halle Bailey, singer and actress, opened up about her struggles with postpartum depression. She described it as “severe” and said that she struggled to be separated from her baby for more than 30 minutes at a time. Bailey also expressed concerns about the stigma surrounding postpartum depression and encouraged others to speak out about their experiences.

Bailey received a lot of support and love from other moms on social media, who shared their own stories of postpartum depression. One mom wrote, “I didn’t feel normal in my own body until like over a year after my baby,” while another said, “Thank you for your words on post partum. For using your voice to speak not only on your experience but that of so many mothers.”

Bailey and her partner DDG welcomed their first child together last year. Bailey praised DDG for his support during her postpartum blues, calling him the “most amazing daddy in the world.” She also said that her son, Halo, is a “miracle” and that she cries when she looks at him because of how special he is.

Postnatal depression, according to the NIH, is a very common condition that can affect both mothers and fathers. Symptoms of postpartum depression include a persistent feeling of sadness and low mood, lack of enjoyment and loss of interest in the wider world, lack of energy and feeling tired all the time, trouble sleeping, difficulty looking after the baby or yourself, withdrawing from contact with other people, problems concentrating and making decisions, and frightening thoughts, which can include thoughts of harming the baby.

Bailey ended the video by reminding viewers that just because she’s a public figure doesn’t mean the harsh things people write about her online don’t hurt. “Even though you may look up to certain people and you think that they are celebrities, and they appear it have it all together, you never know what somebody else is going through, especially someone who just had a baby literally.” she said.

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