How to Remove Mold From Silicone Sealant with Simple Household Products

Mold growth in silicone sealant, often found around bathtubs and showers, is a common problem. While silicone is designed to be waterproof, it can trap moisture, creating a breeding ground for mold. Cleaning this mold can be tricky as silicone is resistant to many chemicals. However, you can effectively eliminate it using readily available household products.

Mold removal specialist Karl Coppen recommends using natural products like vinegar and baking soda over harsh chemicals. Vinegar’s acetic acid penetrates the sealant and kills mold spores due to its antifungal properties. Baking soda’s mild abrasive nature scrubs away the mold while also offering antifungal properties. This combination tackles the mold and helps prevent its return.

Here’s how to remove mold from silicone sealant:


Gather your supplies:

White vinegar, baking soda, a small bowl, an old toothbrush or hard-bristled brush, a clean cloth, and rubber gloves to protect your hands from mold spores.


Create the cleaning paste:

Combine 240ml of vinegar with two or three tablespoons of baking soda in the bowl to create a thick paste.


Apply the paste:

Use the cloth to apply the paste generously to the moldy sealant, ensuring a thick layer covers the affected area.


Let it sit:

Allow the paste to sit for at least 10 minutes, but for best results, leave it for an hour to give the vinegar time to break down the mold spores.


Scrub and rinse:

After the waiting time, use the toothbrush or brush to scrub the paste away from the sealant. Clean and rinse the sealant with a sponge, then thoroughly dry with a clean cloth.


Repeat if necessary:

Repeat these steps until all mold stains are gone, leaving your bathroom sparkling clean.

Preventing Mold Growth in Silicone Sealant

While mold growth in silicone sealant is common, minimizing humidity and moisture build-up can significantly reduce its occurrence. Here are some tips:


Regular ventilation:

Open a bathroom window for at least 30 minutes after showering or bathing to allow for air circulation and reduce humidity levels.


Regular cleaning:

Wipe down bathroom walls and shower surfaces regularly to prevent moisture buildup.


Avoid damp items:

Don’t leave damp clothes or towels in the bathroom, as they can contribute to a humid environment.

By following these steps, you can keep your bathroom mold-free and make cleaning a much easier task.

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