Snapchat Enhances Friend Request Safeguards to Protect Teens

Snapchat is taking a stronger stance on privacy and safety, announcing a series of new security features designed to protect users, particularly teens, from potential harm. These updates come in response to growing concerns about predators targeting young users on the platform, as highlighted by recent reports.

One of the key additions is the expansion of in-app warnings. These warnings, initially introduced in November, now pop up when a teen receives a message from someone they’re not mutual friends with or who isn’t on their contact list. The warnings have been expanded to also alert teens if they receive a message from someone who has been blocked or reported by other users or who originates from a region outside their network.

Snapchat is also tightening friend protection measures. The app will now prevent friend requests from being delivered entirely if they come from someone a teen doesn’t share mutual friends with. This applies regardless of whether the request originates from the teen or another person. This enhancement builds on an existing feature that restricted suggestions for Quick Add or Search unless users had multiple shared connections. Snapchat emphasizes that this change aims to mitigate sextortion scams that often target vulnerable minors.

Furthering its safety efforts, Snapchat has simplified location sharing. While location sharing remains off by default on Snap Map, the app will now provide more frequent reminders to users about their friends who are sharing their locations. Users can also customize who can view their location, providing greater control over privacy. Additionally, the ability to broadcast one’s location to the entire Snapchat community has been removed.

Finally, Snapchat has addressed a loophole in its blocking system. Previously, users who were blocked could circumvent the restriction by creating new accounts on the same device and sending harassing messages. This loophole has now been closed, preventing blocked individuals from sending friend requests from alternative accounts on the same device.

These new security features demonstrate Snapchat’s commitment to addressing the concerns surrounding user safety, particularly for young users. While the app has faced criticism for not taking more proactive steps to protect minors, these updates suggest a shift towards a more proactive approach to safeguarding its community.

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