Surf Therapy Retreat in the Maldives: Harnessing the Power of Blue Spaces for Mental Well-being

The importance of green spaces for mental health is well-established, but recent research has highlighted the unique benefits of ‘blue spaces’ – bodies of water like oceans, lakes, and rivers. The Blue Health research initiative, spanning 2016 to 2020 across Europe, found a strong link between increased exposure to blue spaces and improved mental health, wellbeing, and physical activity. The psychologically restorative power of water sets blue spaces apart from green spaces.

This recognition of the health benefits of blue spaces has led to the adoption of surf therapy by the NHS in the UK. Surf therapy utilizes the natural ability of blue spaces to reduce stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. Combining physical activity, the excitement of learning a new skill, and therapeutic exposure to water, surf therapy presents a unique treatment approach.

Kuda Villingili Resort in the Maldives, known for its picturesque blue spaces, is partnering with the UK-based charity The Wave Project to introduce surf therapy to the region. The Wave Project has a long history of demonstrating the positive impact of surfing on the mental and physical well-being of young people. This summer, they will host exhilarating surf retreats at the resort. While the Maldives is renowned for its pristine waters and stunning beaches, its potential as a surf destination often goes unnoticed. Kuda Villingili, located near the famous Chicken’s Break, is an ideal location for surfing enthusiasts. The spot is known for its consistent left breaks that can handle swells from 3ft to over 10ft, offering rides up to 500 meters long.

The Soul Searching at Chickens Retreats at Kuda Villingili will explore the profound impact of blue spaces on the mental health of young people. The retreat focuses on outdoor activities that showcase the Maldives’ natural beauty. Participants will engage in a variety of activities including mindfulness, breathwork, surfing, paddleboarding, yoga, and meditation, encouraging them to fully immerse themselves in these idyllic settings. The Soul Searching at Chickens event is scheduled from July 26 to August 26. For more information or to book a spot at the retreat, access the Soul Searching at Chickens – Surf Retreat brochure or email [email protected] .

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