The Power of Intuition

Earlier this year, when the future of *Death, Sex & Money* was up in the air, host Anna Sale consulted Rebecca Auman, a tarot reader and self-described witch based in North Carolina. Anna felt lost, but Rebecca encouraged her to relax and to pay close attention to what her body and mind were telling her about that moment.

Afterwards, Anna wondered how Rebecca became so good at reading people–and at helping them to navigate tough situations. When the two of them spoke a second time, Rebecca revealed that her ability to help other people doesn’t always translate to an ability to help herself.

In this episode, the two of them talk about how hard it is to trust our own intuition…and to even recognize it in the first place.

Sale and Auman delve into the challenges of trusting our own intuition, especially when it goes against what others tell us or what we think we should be doing. They also discuss the importance of being open to new experiences and perspectives, and how that can help us to develop our intuition.

If you’ve ever struggled to trust your gut or make sense of your inner voice, this episode is for you. Auman offers some helpful tips and advice on how to tap into your intuition and use it to make better decisions for your life.

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