Unintentional Ageing Habits: How To Stop Looking Older

Dr. Kate Jameson, co-founder of Youth Lab and a cosmetic physician, shares surprising everyday habits that can accelerate the ageing process. She emphasizes that by becoming aware of these habits and making simple changes, you can significantly slow down ageing and maintain a youthful appearance.

One significant contributor to wrinkles is sleeping on your stomach or side. These positions cause your face to scrunch against the pillow, leading to permanent sleep lines and wrinkles. Dr. Kate recommends sleeping on your back and investing in a silk pillowcase to reduce friction.

Another common mistake is skipping sunscreen on cloudy days. UV rays penetrate clouds and cause skin damage every day, so applying a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen daily, regardless of the weather, is crucial.

Drinking through a straw can also lead to fine lines around the mouth. Dr. Kate advises avoiding this habit to prevent premature ageing in this area.

Constant exposure to blue light from phones, computers, and tablets can damage your skin and eyes, leading to premature ageing. Dr. Kate suggests using blue light filters on your devices, taking regular breaks to rest your eyes, and considering blue light-blocking glasses for extra protection.

When it comes to showering, lukewarm water followed by a blast of cold water is best. Hot water can dry out the skin and accelerate ageing.

Don’t forget to moisturize your neck and hands regularly, as these areas are prone to premature ageing. Remember to apply sunscreen to these areas as well.

While external care is important, what you put into your body also plays a significant role. A high-sugar diet can damage collagen and elastin, causing saggy skin and wrinkles. Dr. Kate recommends reducing sugary snacks and drinks.

Dehydration can make your skin look dull and accentuate fine lines and wrinkles. Dr. Kate emphasizes the importance of drinking at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated and glowing.

By being mindful of these habits and making simple changes, you can effectively combat premature ageing and maintain a youthful appearance.

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