Start Your Day Right: Why Drinking Water Upon Waking Is a Simple Boost for Your Mind and Body

We all know that simple daily habits can make a world of difference to our mental and physical health. But when life feels overwhelming, it’s tempting to think drastic changes are needed. The truth is, small steps are the key to maintaining good habits. So, if you’re looking for a simple way to improve your well-being, start with a glass of water first thing in the morning.

Why? Because even a small amount of water upon waking can work wonders. Dr. Emily Leeming, author of *Genius Gut* and writer for the Substack *Second Brain*, highlights the benefits backed by research. In a study published in the *International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health*, researchers explored the impact of water consumption on mood, energy, and memory. The study involved young adults who were intentionally dehydrated overnight for 12 hours. Upon waking, they were given varying amounts of water and then tested. The results? A mere 200ml (one glass) of water was enough to reduce thirst, anger, fatigue, and poor mood.

But the benefits didn’t stop there. Drinking two glasses of water (500ml) not only improved these symptoms but also enhanced working memory, the type of memory we use for decision-making, problem-solving, and staying focused. Those who didn’t drink any water at all reported feeling thirsty, tired, and grumpy.

As Jianfen Zhang, one of the study’s authors, points out, water is a vital component of our bodies, making up 60-70% of our weight. It’s crucial for every system and metabolic activity. After eight hours of sleep, our cells need a replenishment of fluids to function optimally.

So, how can you make this simple habit a part of your routine? Dr. Leeming suggests keeping a jug of water with a glass by your bedside or drinking water before and after brushing your teeth. And remember, tea and coffee (without added sugars and syrups) also contribute to your hydration.

By starting your day with a glass of water, you’re not only giving your body the essential hydration it needs but also setting yourself up for a more positive, energized, and focused day. It’s a simple yet powerful act that can make a real difference in your overall well-being.

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