AIIMS Faculty Urges Mental Health Support and Extracurricular Upgrades

The Faculty Association of AIIMS (FAIMS) in Delhi has issued a strong call for improved student mental health services and expanded extracurricular facilities at the prestigious medical institute. Their plea comes in response to a sobering survey conducted by a National Medical Commission task force, which revealed alarming mental health statistics among medical students.

The survey found that nearly 28% of undergraduate medical students and 15.3% of postgraduate students reported having been diagnosed with mental health conditions. The figures are particularly troubling when it comes to self-harm and suicidal thoughts: 16.2% of MBBS students reported such thoughts within the past year, while the figure rose to a staggering 31% among MD/MS students.

In a letter addressed to the AIIMS-Delhi director, FAIMS proposed the establishment of a dedicated task force to comprehensively assess and subsequently enhance extracurricular offerings on campus. The aim is to create a more vibrant and supportive environment that fosters a sense of community and belonging among students, residents, and staff.

FAIMS emphasized the growing importance of mental well-being alongside academic excellence, citing recent studies that indicate one in four MBBS students experience anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges. This data underscores the urgent need for robust mental health services, resources, and support systems within the institution.

The association also pointed out that the existing extracurricular facilities haven’t kept pace with the institute’s growing student population, residents, faculty, and staff. Extracurricular activities play a critical role in promoting a balanced work-life environment, which is essential for maintaining mental health and well-being. However, the lack of robust student and residents’ fests and limited opportunities for engagement beyond academic responsibilities has created a gap in the support structures needed to prevent mental health deterioration.

To address these concerns, FAIMS proposed the formation of a task force responsible for identifying areas lacking in extracurricular facilities and suggesting systemic improvements. This could involve the development of new spaces and facilities for hobbies, activity clubs, and the revival of student and resident fests, which have historically been a vibrant part of the AIIMS campus culture.

The association believes that reviving and expanding these facilities and events would not only enhance the overall campus experience but also foster a sense of community and belonging among students, residents, and staff. They urge the director to prioritize the upgradation of the Student Wellness Centre and the enhancement of extracurricular facilities, recognizing that ensuring the mental well-being of students and colleagues is essential for their holistic development and for maintaining AIIMS New Delhi’s commitment to excellence in patient care, research, and education.

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