Interview with Jessica Dunning: Inside the World of ‘Donny’ and the Impact it has had on Survivors of Sexual Assault

In an exclusive interview, Jessica Dunning, who plays the enigmatic character of Martha in the hit Netflix series ‘Donny’, offers a captivating look into the world of the show and its profound impact on male survivors of sexual assault.

From the very first scene, Martha’s character captivates viewers with her vulnerability and relentless pursuit of Donny, the series’ protagonist. However, Jessica Dunning portrays Martha with such depth and nuance that viewers are left questioning the boundaries between victim and villain.

Reflecting on her emotional preparation for the role, Jessica Dunning reveals that she was deeply drawn to Martha’s complexity. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to Martha’s flaws and her genuine moments of connection, rather than portraying her as a one-dimensional villain.

Jessica Dunning credits the show’s creator, writer, and star Richard Gadd, with crafting a character that is both relatable and challenging. She highlights the intricate writing that showcases Martha’s many facets and allows the audience to empathize with her struggles.

Beyond the emotional intensity of filming, Jessica Dunning shares her method of decompressing and returning to herself after embodying Martha. She values spending time with family, especially her young nephew, and engaging with friends to maintain a sense of normalcy and grounding in the real world.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the ‘Donny’ experience for Jessica Dunning has been the opportunity to connect with viewers and hear their perspectives on the show. She is particularly humbled by the impact the series has had on male survivors of sexual assault, who have reached out in significant numbers to seek support and resources.

As for what’s next for Jessica Dunning, she remains eager to embrace a wide range of roles. She expresses her passion for storytelling and her openness to both comedic and dramatic projects. She is drawn to characters with complexity and stories that challenge conventional narratives.

Jessica Dunning’s performance as Martha in ‘Donny’ is a testament to her versatility and her ability to breathe life into characters who resonate deeply with audiences. Her insights into the show’s themes and her personal journey as an actor offer a compelling glimpse into the creative process and the transformative power of storytelling.

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