The Rise of Young Green Thumbs: Millennials and Gen Z Embrace Gardening

It was once assumed that young people had little interest in gardening, but that perception is changing as millennials and Gen Z embrace the hobby in droves. Fueled by the proven mental health benefits of gardening, which include reduced stress and improved well-being, young people are finding solace in the tranquility of nature. For Chloe Plumstead, gardening has become a way to escape the stresses of everyday life and connect with her family’s horticultural legacy. She shares her experiences on TikTok, amassing a following of gardening enthusiasts eager to learn from her successes and mistakes.

Ellen Miles, known as London’s “guerrilla gardening queen,” has made it her mission to beautify her neighborhood by planting greenery in any available space. Her efforts have garnered her a loyal following on social media and inspired others to take up guerrilla gardening. Meanwhile, 18-year-old Tom has found a sense of community and purpose through his involvement with GrowN22, a gardening scheme in North London. Working alongside other volunteers, Tom has developed his gardening skills while making meaningful connections with his community.

Amy Chapman, a 27-year-old from Wales, has also turned to gardening as a means of relaxation and self-discovery. Inspired by the previous owners of her home, Amy has transformed her garden into a thriving oasis. She shares her gardening journey on TikTok, encouraging others to learn from her experiences and embrace the joy of growing their own food. Like Chloe, Amy emphasizes the mindfulness aspect of gardening, finding solace in the simple act of getting her hands in the dirt.

The rise of young gardeners is a testament to the enduring power of nature and the growing awareness of its benefits. By embracing gardening, millennials and Gen Z are not only cultivating beautiful spaces but also nurturing their well-being, fostering community connections, and making a positive impact on the environment.

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